Assembling the Carcass

The first two pictures show fixed shelves that have been glued into place with right angle jigs holding them square until the glue dries. They also have pocket screws installed to strengthen the joint.

In the third picture we are fitting the joint before we glue it together.

In the first two pictures, I am applying the glue to the joint.

In the third picture, Craig helps clamp the right angle jigs into place to hold the shelf securely at a 90 degree angle to the side panel.

In the first picture, I am installing the pocket screws into the joint where the top piece joins the side panel.

In the next two pictures, I am installing pocket screws into the joint where the bottom shelf joins the side panels. Notice the long bar clamps spanning the bottom of the carcass to ensure a tight joint.

In the first picture, Craig and I are measuring from corner to corner on the carcass to make sure it is square. Careful planning ensures that it is.

Once the glue in the joints of the carcass are set, the face frame is attached. Notice that it takes a lot of clamps to hold it tightly in place white the glue dries.