Milling the Dentil Molding
Positioning the Dentil Jig
This is a custom built dentil jig designed to guide the router to place a 1/4 inch wide grove 1 inch apart down the length of the wood.
Using the router
Once the jig is in place, slide the router into the bracket of the jig and cut the dentil groove into the piece.
The finished look
This is what it looks like when this step is completed. The grooves are an inch apart.
Creating the Profile
Using the Router
You cannot router this shape into the wood with one pass. You have to take a little off at a time in multiple passes so that you do not end up with gouges in the wood because of the dentil grooves.
By making multiple passes, the last pass is then set to just barely take any wood off at all. This results in a very smooth finish.
Finished Pieces
After the profile has been finished and the edges trimmed off, we have the final shape. I have included a closeup photo and a photo showing the long strips of finished dentil pieces.